Trevor has been described as if Tim Ferriss and Elon Musk had a nephew it would be him. Quite a wrap and well-deserved given the radical accomplishments Trevor has achieved.
A top rated podcast, at times beating the likes of T.Ferriss, partnering with some of the biggest names in Entrepreneurship and building relationships and companies that are redefining business :)
But like many of our frothy episodes, this one is made super-special by the look into Trevor’s personal life.
How he’s taken his upbringing and a true version of what it is to grind and allowed it to emanate out into his wife and the way they are bringing up their 5 children.
To the point where Trevor’s teenage son is on route to out-do Dad and Trevor couldn’t think of anything better.
I also love that Trevor's version of finding Frothers is the thing he attributes his success to.
He’s a well-travelled, well-lived and well, just a freak’n awesome dude. To use a Trevorism.
Enjoy the radness!