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Ep. 27 Seb Berry

The importance of pause, play and practice

April 16, 2020

Seb Berry is a frother from way back and has been pioneering doing good in business for over a decade.

Better humans is his game with assisting people and businesses to be better with his agency of the future - Futurekind.

He's worked with the likes of Unity Earth, Sumo Salad and most recently with the legends at Resilient Byron.

The episode chomps on:

  • The art of pause for meaningful enquiry
  • The joy of adult play
  • Influential frothers in our emerging ecosystem

Seb is a shining example of how to be and how to do at the same time. So much so that people bound across streets just to give him a hug.

He's also part of the quartet of humans that I have the privilege to design the future with at We're interested in how we can show up best and invite others to do the same through a four week program we call Rise UP.

We have no sponsors but if you'd like to check out Reunion and our current program - visit